Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our Garden

Once a year for FHE, we plant our garden as a family. I love to watch the kids get out there and get all dirty and excited about growing our own food. Too bad I can't get them excited about pulling weeds in the garden two months later! Maybe its because I don't like it either!
This year we have lettuce, jalapenos, cucumber, bell pepper, several types of tomatoes, zucchini, yellow summer squash, okra, corn, cantaloupe, honey dew and watermelon.
Wish me luck in trying to keep it all alive!!!

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Shelane said...

MMM. Okra! When you fried it for us that one time? Totally worth the 16 hour drive. Let me know when you are ready to harvest!

Gwen said...

I am just getting ready to plant my garden here. We had to wait out the last two snow storms. Yes, snow in May! Why do I live in Montana?!? Anyway, excited to plant and see how things grow here.